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Seniors and Homosexuality Explained

Seniors And Homosexuality

Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transsexual individuals continue to face many problems in the United States, including various forms of prejudice and discrimination, no matter how old they are. However, older people who are homosexuals face unique complications generally not faced by younger generations. Older people grew up in a time when homosexuality was considered to be an abominable and immoral practice.

This mentality was often encouraged by religious entities, families, and individuals. However, today, people have become more accepting and tolerant of differences in other individuals. More people are exploring alternate forms of religion and are not conforming to the standards set by the primary organized religions, such as Christianity and Judaism. In all, younger generations are proving to be much more open-minded than their elders. As a result, many young homosexuals are finding it to be easier to accept their sexuality than older people often do. They are also more commonly accepted by their peers than gay seniors are.

Due to the stigma that has been associated with homosexuality throughout most of modern history, gay seniors are often in denial about their sexuality and they may refuse to admit the truth to even themselves. For example, younger gays tend to find it slightly easier to confide in friends and family about their sexuality. This is not to say that young homosexuals do not face problems and trouble when admitting their sexual preference.

However, gay seniors have generally been taught that homosexuality is a sin since childhood. As a result, older people usually experience are afraid with coming to terms with their sexuality. Even if they are honest about their sexuality to themselves, gay seniors often keep this secret and refuse to confide in friends and family. As the baby boomers are beginning to retire, many gay seniors that have decided to come out about their sexuality are facing extreme discrimination from their peers, and openly gay older people suffer from severe discrimination when they enter into

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